Paperless Billing is a free service of Meralco wherein you may opt to receive your monthly bill electronically instead of paper bills, subject to ERC’s Rules on Electronic Billing and Communications for Electricity Consumers. You will need a Meralco Online account to apply for Paperless Billing
Meralco Paperless Billing service aims to provide you with the following benefits:
- Accessibility and Convenience. You will have faster access to your billing information via electronic bills sent to your registered email address. You may also view pdf copies of current and past bills anytime, anywhere, in one convenient location. Instances of lost, misplaced, or damaged bills are also avoided.
- Ease of Payment. You may easily pay electric bills online. A link to Meralco Online is available in the notification you receive once your electronic bill is available and delivered.
- Environment-Friendly. You will be able to contribute in preserving the environment by saving trees and reducing carbon footprint from paper production and consumption.
- Reduction of clutter and paper waste. Bills sent via email or made available through the Meralco Online minimize unwanted or unnecessary physical clutter.
For Account Holders:
Please email the following documents to or submit them to the nearest business center.
If you are the Account Holder, but you cannot see your Account Number in the Paperless Billing subscription facility, then there is a difference between your names as reflected in your Account record and your Meralco Online Account.- Due to minor syntax difference
Account Holder name: Maria Rose A. Cruz
Meralco Online Account name: Ma. Rose A. Cruz- No document will be required if the difference in the Account Holder name and Meralco Online user’s name is due to minor syntax difference. For further assistance, please call us at our 24/7 hotline at (02) 16211 or business hotline at 16210, or email us at
- Due to change in marital status
Account Holder name: Maria Rose A. Cruz
Meralco Online Account name: Ma. Rose C. Santos- One (1) government-issued ID showing both the maiden and married surnames (e.g., ‘Maria Rose Cruz Santos’) of the Applicant; OR
- One (1) government-issued ID showing the maiden surname (e.g., ‘Maria Rose A. Cruz’) AND one (1) government-issued ID showing the married surname (e.g., ‘Maria Rose C. Santos’) of the Applicant; OR
- Marriage Certificate
- Due to other cases
Name in either record is a nickname, name in either record is an abbreviation- One (1) government-issued ID OR two (2) secondary IDs of the Applicant
- Additional supporting documents may be required on cases not listed above, subject to Meralco’s evaluation of the case.
- Due to minor syntax difference
For Actual Users:
If you are not the Account Holder (i.e., an end-user / actual user of the electric service), please submit the required documents as shown below to or to the nearest business center.For further assistance, please call us at our 24/7 hotline at (02) 16211 or business hotline at 16210, or email us at
The Meralco Account is under the Name of an Individual Person
Example: Residential services, businesses (i.e., sole proprietorships) where the registered customer is named after an individual- Authorization Letter OR Special Power of Attorney (SPA) from the Registered Customer, AND
- One (1) government-issued ID or two (2) secondary IDs of the Registered Customer, if available
If the registered customer is already deceased or if his/her whereabouts is unknown to the Applicant, the latter is required to submit any of the following:
- Document proving that the Applicant has the legal authority to occupy the premises covered by the service contract of the Meralco Account, e.g., Deed of Sale, Contract of Lease; OR
- Other document proving that the Applicant occupies the premises covered by the service of the Meralco Account: (a) government-issued ID of the Applicant, (b) utility bill for two (2) months (e.g., Meralco bill, water bill, etc.), OR (c) Barangay Certificate.
- The Meralco Account is under the Name of a Condominium Developer or Association
Example: Residential or non-residential condominium units under the name of the condominium developer/association- Notarized Secretary’s Certificate appointing/authorizing the Applicant to subscribe the Meralco Account to Paperless Billing; OR
- Authorization Letter issued by the condominium’s Administration Office/Association, AND one (1) government-issued ID OR two (2) secondary IDs of the person who issued the Authorization Letter; OR
- Document proving that the Applicant has the legal authority to occupy the premises covered by the service contract of the Meralco Account, e.g., Deed of Sale, Contract of Lease; OR
- Other document proving that the Applicant occupies the premises covered by the service of the Meralco Account: (a) government-issued ID of the Applicant, (b) utility bill for two (2) months (e.g., Meralco bill, water bill, etc.), OR (c) Barangay Certificate
Note: Notarized Secretary’s Certificate, if submitted during application for service or Meralco Online account creation, should indicate that the Applicant has the authority to subscribe the Meralco Account to Paperless Billing. Else, another Notarized Secretary’s Certificate indicating that the same will be required.
- The Meralco Account is under the Name of a Business or Organization
For Sole Proprietorships and Partnerships:
If the Applicant is the sole proprietor or one the managing partners:- One (1) government-issued ID or two (2) secondary IDs of the Applicant
If the Applicant is NOT the sole proprietor or one the managing partners,
- Authorization Letter issued by the sole proprietor or one the managing partners, AND
- One (1) government-issued ID or two (2) secondary IDs of the sole proprietor or one the managing partners
- For Corporations, Government Owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCCs) with Charter, Cooperatives, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Foundations, Religious Organizations:
- Notarized Secretary’s Certificate appointing/authorizing the Applicant to subscribe the Meralco Account to Paperless Billing
Notarized Secretary’s Certificate, if submitted during application for service or Meralco Online account creation, should indicate that the Applicant has the authority to subscribe the Meralco Account to Paperless Billing. Else, another Notarized Secretary’s Certificate indicating that the same will be required.
Your monthly electronic bills will be posted in your Meralco Online Account within a day after the meter reading date, unless the bill was subjected to further internal validation by Meralco. You will also be notified via email (and/or SMS bill alert depending on your preference settings) once your bill has been posted in your Meralco Online Account.
You simply need to log in to Meralco Online and click on View Bills / bills and payments to check your bills.
To log on to Meralco Online, simply click on the link in the bill notification email or visit, click Meralco Online and log in your username and password.
Bill notifications are received within 5 days of your meter reading date. The most usual reasons as to why customers do not receive their email bill alerts are the following:
- Your email's inbox is full.
- Your email address is not active.
- is not in your email’s contacts list which automatically categorizes your bill notifications as spam.
In case you have not received an email notification within five (5) days, and you do not fall under the conditions above, your bill may not have been posted and may have been subjected to further review by Meralco. You may login to your Meralco Online Account to check if your Meralco bill is available.
Paperless billing subscriptions have a lock in period of 6 months. You may request to revert to paper bills via your Meralco Online 6 months after the effectivity date of your subscription.
You can request for this change via a written letter specifying your reason. Kindly submit this in any Meralco Business Center near you and bring one (1) government-issued ID or two (2) secondary IDs.
For further assistance, please call us at our 24/7 hotline at (02) 16211 or email us at