Update your bill. Manage your electric load.
Want to request for a service modification? Click here.
Change Contract Details
To update the contract information e.g. misspelled names or change in marital status, you will need:
- A valid government-issued ID
- National Statistics Office or local civil registry corrected birth certificate (for misspelled names)
- National Statistics Office or local civil registry marriage certificate (for change in marital status)
To completely change the account name, you will need:
- A valid government-issued ID
- Proof of Occupancy
- Bill Deposit (Note that the current bill deposit will be refunded to the old account holder and a new deposit will be required from the new account holder.)
Modify Service Details
To relocate your meter, remodel your service entrance or increase/decrease your service load, you will need:
- A Valid Government-Issued ID
- A New Electrical Plan
- For requests to increase your electric load, a bill deposit may be required.